About Us

Reasons why created Todaysfeeds

Sometimes we never realize the things we missed unless we took a break and rewind our lives back in time. Todaysfeeds is a website designed for everybody to give interesting topics and real-life stories of people from which every reader can learn a lot. We’ve created this website go give you inspiration, learning, lessons in life and experiences which can relate to any situations you may have right now.

Todaysfeeds will only publish true to life stories, credible facts and knowledge from reliable sources and realistic approach in life towards betterment and improvement. We aim that in any way or another we can be your tool in feeding you up with amazing ideas from our hand-picked random topics which can intrigue your interests and motivation.

Moreover, we have combined fashion, food, places and real life stories in one because we highly believe that these aspects in life are imperative and usually what people want. Todaysfeeds aims nothing but to give satisfaction to every reader from the daily post(s) we provide. We’re not just here for words but also we are your experience!

People Behind Todaysfeeds

Jassy Jas - Is a writer, blogger, link builder and has been to SEO Industry for years. She's one of the owners and currently the in-house writer of todaysfeeds. 
When it comes to writing, Jassy Jas has been to the industry since her college years and had specialized her skills in proofreading, business writing and copy-writing. Apart from that she is very passionate in food, fashion, restaurants and art. 

She is approachable, friendly, cool and most of all your number one adviser with comes to emotional, social and psychological problems. Just call on her! :)

Mark Steven also one of the owners of todaysfeeds and the expert in-house designer. He is the one responsible for designing todaysfeeds cozy template like no other. 

From the simpliest to coolest designs and creativity, Mark Steven is the master!

Likewise, Mark Steven has been to SEO industry for many years with impeccable experiences to his specialization field.

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