
How Many Times Did Love Gave You Lessons In Life?

1:53 AM

As a writer, I have lots of opinions and wide imaginations with all the things in this universe. But  there is one thing I have no idea about and that is - LOVE. I am a hopeless romantic waiting for a prince to pass by then kiss me on my lips and easily wakes me up from my long slumber - But I'm no sleeping beauty. I thought it only need fast heart beats and a strong commotion of nerves inside the body then alas! its love. The more I understand reality, the more I realized that I don't know anything about love.

I was preoccupied with my imaginative thoughts and still living my life in a dream. The first time  I fell in-love, I thought it was true love. My story starts from having my world getting smaller and smaller and I can see only two of us existing where colorful butterflies flying around making fairy tale comes to life. I have myself a slave of my own infatuation and I end up acting so immature quite few years. I dont want to speak out black and white opinions here, I just realized how childish I am during those times and want to share the learning I had from those experiences. Honestly, the so-called relationship lasted only for two months. But the ironic part is that, I had moved on totally after two years because I let my fancy emotions conquered my entire brain. The ironic part is that, you will realize how stupid you are after you have moved on completely. Though, not so epic but yes I have learned a lot - love is not availed so fast and on every time you just want it, it comes so slow and would take a lot of patience sometime.

Love is all about how you treat someone, care for someone and never do things that would hurt him or her. Love is kind and understanding, love is not selfish and expects nothing in return. But when my ex boyfriend failed to satisfies the kind of  love story I always dreamed, I told him he lacks effort and I never give him another chance, though he had asked for it. We broke up and after a month, we tried to settle the broken pieces but we ended up insulting each other. It became difficult for me to forget him because he was my first love and I ended up clinging with the short memories I had with him. I always tell friends that I cannot love someone else like the way I loved him - that usually the lines of teenagers after their first break up. When someone is at this stage, surely you handle things with exaggeration  - so emotional, sensitive and most probably lacks of experiences to be matured when ti comes to dealing with emotions . What you feel will affect your mindset, thus sometimes when someone is depress he or she feels like hopeless and want to end up things. Good thing, I have experienced such, that only proves I'm human and I am following the normal stage of life.

The second boyfriend was a scammer from a different country. We havent meet yet but I cried infront of my computer because our relationship was over and he was gone without even saying goodbye. That kind of love story we had is merely virtual powered by technologies and a sort of odd mutual feelings coming from milestone. I thought I was out of my imagination but when this man came into my life, I was even more inclined to my dreams,where in I'd wished not to wake up anymore. But the thought came one silent night - how can a person love another person without even seeing her or him personally? I want to believe that love is possible even in that way and that love has no measures and bases -- but I failed. Honestly, I fell in love with him with the idea I knew about love and yes I wished  him to come back but he didn't.

Time passed in haste and I learned  the lesson. Sometimes you can be consumed with your admiration. You think of it over and over and you assumed it is something. Once you have let a single thought conquered your head it would give you a thousand thoughts to contemplate in a certain period of time unless you decide not to think of it anymore. If you have found things so ideal in your part  you might fall into it and wish everything will come into reality. however there is no such thing like magic and most likely your emotions will only deceive you.

It was me again, living life alone and no spice at all. One summer I went home and meet a vacationist in town. I am not attracted but I  like his brain, though I haven't touch, smell nor see it. He has high IQ and even beat me up in playing my favorite card games.Aside from that, he got nice hair and he's a kind of gentleman. I thought he was the one because as time spent with him along with the groups, I realized he is cool and funny. But the person ask me one thing I cannot give. He is asking me too much just to prove to him my love.I was upset and would rather lose him than giving something I valued the most. People who ask evidence of love are no good. Love has no evidence, it is felt. love asks nothing but always wanted to be expressed. Im so thankful I was out from such situation, I was able to found out that some people are not worth loving.

With all the experiences I have, seems like it had me opinionated. Maybe not my luck today and who knows tomorrow that could be it. What I learned is, love comes to those who wait. I cannot imagine the world without this thing and I do believe that regardless of the advent of technologies, there are still noble things that would make us appreciate life simply.

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